5 More Story Starters

Hello and welcome to a new post! In this one, I will be sharing with you even more story starters! So get a notebook ready, and start writing!

1. Your character finds out they can fly. What fun do they get up to first?

I like this one. I think I might write something about this one!

2. Your character is going to high school, but they are split from their friend. What do they do?

This would be a good drama story. You could even add some magic in for some extra wow factor!

3. Your character has the opportunity to pick the life they will lead. Which one do they pick, and what are the choices?

An interesting one, this one. I would buy this book myself.

4. Your character moves into a suspicious neighbourhood. Do they investigate?

This would make an amazing crime novel!

5. A very precious object to your character is stolen. What do they do?

Again, another mystery book opportunity!

Thank you for reading, and I hope you come back again to visit my online blog! See you next time!
