SURVEY: What Do You Want To Read?

Naturally, as a blogger, I want to know what you want to read. Because I don't know that at the moment. But this is going to help! When you complete the survey, count how many A's, B's and C's you have, and then comment your result, and the one that gets the most comments will win, and I will try to do more of those sorts of posts! So, let's go! :-)

Q1: Reviews, author profiles or lists?

A: Reviews! They're amazing!
B: Author profiles, obviously! I love reading about my favourite authors!
C: Lists, lists, lists! Best kind of post!

Q2: Long posts, short posts or middle length?

A: Looonnnggg posts! They give me information!
B: Short posts! They are snappier!
C: Middle length. This is perfect!

Q3: Headings, blocks of text or short paragraphs?

A: Blocks of text!
B: Short paragraphs! They make everything easier to read!
C: Headings! The  best solution!

Q4: Spoiler reviews, descriptive reviews or thorough reviews?

A: Spoiler reviews are clearly the best!
B: Descriptive! I love knowing more about the book!
C: Thorough! I would like you to review every aspect of the book!

Ok, so that's it for the survey. Now post your answer down below, in the comments section! Thank you for reading!
