REVIEW: A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket

This book is a bit different to the books I usually read (in fact, a lot different), as this is a more sad book, and it has lots of unfortunate events in (hence the name A Series Of Unfortunate Events) and it has a lot of people dying and evil people pretending to be relatives or dressing up as assistants and other non-family members. Surprisingly, I really liked it. Lemony Snicket has a very dry sense of humour, which makes the book even more interesting. For example, this page:

Image result for confused dog gifThis page really messed with everyone's brain.
But anyway, today I am doing a review of this book! So, let's go!

After Violet, Sunny and Klaus Baudelaire find out their parents have perished in a terrible fire, they are sent to live with Count Olaf, a sinister member of a theatre troupe. He has a horrible house, and treats the Baudelaires like they are rats. The orphans long to leave, and complain to Mr Poe, but he tells Count Olaf, and Count Olaf then asks the orphans to perform in his next play... but is it really a fake story, or a real one?

I like this book because it has a very different sense of humour to other stories, and also it is completely different to the books I usually read, so it was a bit weird to be reading it. I am going to read the rest of the series though, as I really, really liked it. I haven't got the other books yet, but I will get them at some point. 

The cover illustration is by Brett Helquist, and I think it suits the book very well. It feels quite mysterious, and makes you want to find out more about the book and what happens in it; also who the characters are and what their traits are.

My favourite character is Violet as she is so inventive, and can think of an amazing idea in a pressured situation. Like when Sunny was trapped in a cage, and she made a contraption to try and save her from being dropped to her death.

My least favourite character is Count Olaf, as he treats the Baudelaires so badly, and all he wants is the fortune they carry. He also displays that he will go to any length to get it, which is made quite obvious in the play he performs with his theatre troupe.
I would say my recommendation for this book would be ages 11-16 and overall I rate it 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟!

Thank you for reading my review; I hope you enjoyed it! See you next time on my blog! Bye!
PS: I am definitely going to use more gifs in my posts (they make it way more interesting).
Goodreads review below (it's basically a shortened version).

Alex's books

The Bad Beginning
it was amazing
Lemony Snicket's first book in A Series Of Unfortunate Events. Violet, Sunny and Klaus Baudelaire's parents are tragically killed in a fire at their house, and they are moved to Count Olaf's by Mr. Poe. Count Olaf puts them to work, doin...
