How To Start A Book Club - Top Tips

In this post, I will tell my top tips for starting a book club by yourself. I am in a tiny little book club, and we mostly just do random stuff during the meeting (there's only one other member, 😃) So, here I am going to show you how to start a book club!

Step 1: Think of a name!

Right, the first thing you need to do is think of a name for your club (I didn't actually do this, I recommend that you do because then instead of saying 'our book club' you can say the name, which will be easier). If you don't have any ideas, use an online name generator.

Step 2: Decide who will be in your club.

Step 2 is a simpler one. You need to decide the numbers of your group, and which people can make it every month/fortnight. I recommend keeping the numbers quite small because then it is more likely that people can all make it. About 4-5 of your friends is perfect.

Step 3: How often will the meetings be?

Next, you need to decide how frequent your meetings will be. The book club I am in meets about every two weeks. My recommendation is about once a month. Every week is a bit too often for a book club, as you need time to read up to the set target.

Step 4: Rules matter!

After you have decided who to ask, and you have sorted that all out, then you need to set some basic rules. Not all out strict ones,  just simple guidelines to keep your members happy. Here are some ideas: Everyone is kind, read up to the target, make it to the meetings if you can, do not interrupt others while they are speaking. Now get all your members to sign.

Step 5: Where is it held?

It could be held at a library, at a park, at the members' houses, at your house; it really is your choice! If you pick a library, make sure that you are not too loud, as people usually like to read when it is quiet. In the book club that I am in, we hold it at each other's houses, and we have once held it at a library.

Step 6: Agree on how long the meetings are.

How long will each meeting be? An hour? An hour and a half? It is your choice. Just make sure that it is not so long that everyone gets a bit bored when you run out of ideas of what to do.

Step 7: What will you do in your meetings?

To actually start, you need to know what you are going to do! First things first, you need to decide the book and set a target to read up to every time. Now, what will you do for fun? Illustrate your version of the characters? Write your own blurb? Make up a play?

And those are my tips to start a book club. I hope you start one yourself and tell me your name in the comments! I'd love to know! See you soon on my blog!
