Auburn The Shy Imp: Original Short Story

Auburn was a shy imp, unlike all her confident friends. As you know, imps are little fairy-like creatures that play pranks and tricks on humans. Auburn had never done that, she just watched and slightly giggled in a corner. Her friends would heave buckets of water onto doors, put mouse traps in lounges and put cups of water all over the bathroom floor to trick the family that they were assigned when they were at school. Auburn was assigned the Tiffany family, yet they had had a prank-free life so far because Auburn had not done anything, and another imp's tricks would not work because it's not their family.

Perhaps you are wondering why Auburn was shy when it is not in an imp's DNA to be. Well, it all started when she was seen by a family that was not hers. To be seen is to be shamed in the imp world. She was laughed at for years, and never totally lived it down. So she went into hiding for a while and stayed in her house. But then she returned to school, and she was never reminded of it again. But still she never travelled to the human world again, just watched the pranks others played on the huge screen that adorned the walls of the imp world.

It all began when Auburn was simply watching a prank being played on the Smythe family in Sydney. She was laughing to herself quietly when a little imp of about age 3 or 4 came up to her and said, "Do you play big pranks?"
Naturally, Auburn said yes.
"But I have never seen you on the TV!" the little imp retorted.
"Umm.... I'll do one now if you like?" said Auburn, regretting saying it as soon as she did.
"OK! I'll watch you! Can you do it right now?"
"Umm, yes, sure."  So then Auburn travelled, evaporating into thin air as she frowned, concentrating on getting to the Tiffanys' family home, all the way in Toronto.

As she arrived, she tried to think of an original prank. After much thinking, she decided to colour the water that the family washed their clothes in red. This would make all their clothes have a hint of red. That's brilliant!  she thought. She proceeded to swing up to the cupboards and retrieved some red food colouring, and then found the large container of water. Then, she tipped the whole bottle of red dye into the water and swirled it around with her skinny finger. It turned blood red and she grinned, almost cackling like a witch as she leapt down from the lip of the container. Then she went back to the imp world and saw the little imp staring up at the screen, in awe. Auburn immediately swore from that moment that she would keep doing tricks to the Tiffany family, to please all these people watching. She found that it was fun and that she enjoyed it to a great extent. Now she was not the person in the corner, but the person in the spotlight.                                                                              
