REVIEW: Somebody Stop Ivy Pocket by Caleb Krisp

This is a sequel to Anyone But Ivy Pocket, but this book is actually mine. As soon as I had finished Anyone But Ivy Pocket, I asked my dad to get this book, and then I could barely stop reading it. I finished it today, and I couldn't wait to do a review of it! And, there's another sequel called Bring Me The Head Of Ivy Pocket, which is coming out in Spring this year. I think I mentioned that in my review of Anyone But Ivy Pocket, and I can't wait to read it. So, let's just get into my review!

In Ivy Pocket's second thrilling adventure, she faces evil Butterfields, a run-down mental asylum and a life-threatening journey to another world. But once again, Ivy's curiosity consumes her, and she starts digging into her new family's past, with heartbreaking consequences. And, is anyone to be trusted when it comes to The Clock Diamond?

I like this book because the characters are very well formed. All the characters have an original backstory, which are all extremely interesting, which makes you read on to find them. Also, the plot has lots of twists and turns in it, which also makes you read on to find out about all the secrets that are revealed in each chapter or two. Illustrations help move the story on too; they make it more interesting, and help map out the things that are happening in a more practical way.

I would definitely recommend this book to others. My age recommendation for this book is ages 9 to 12.

The cover is very similar to Anyone But Ivy Pocket, but it is red instead, and has different illustrations on the front. The cover catches the eye because it is a very bright red too. A picture is at the bottom of the post. 

My favourite part was probably when the truth was finally revealed. I am not going to tell you what the truth is, because then it would spoil the ending completely and there would be no point in reading the book yourself.

My favourite character was Ivy, obviously. For reasons that are extremely obvious too.

My least favourite character was probably Miss Always, but she does not feature until the end, in a different disguise.

Overall, I would rate this book 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟, because it is simply brilliant, and you should definitely read it!

So that was my review of Somebody Stop Ivy Pocket. I hope you enjoyed it and see you soon on my blog!📚😊
