REVIEW: Anyone But Ivy Pocket by Caleb Krisp

Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, it was a very busy day, and I just couldn't find time to upload a new post. But, anyway, today's post is another review, and it is about a very original book called Anyone But Ivy Pocket, by Caleb Krisp. 

Ivy is a very confident twelve year old maid. But her life is turned upside-down when she is asked to deliver a priceless diamond, The Clock Diamond, to Matilda Butterfield. Alas, it is not a simple journey, as she discovers about her past, and encounters some ghosts (a Duchess mostly) along the way. With a small amount of magic, she learns that things are not as they seem at all, really. The Butterfields are a very complicated family, and having all the natural instincts of a secret detective, Ivy decides to investigate, with some shocking revelations.

I like this book because it is funny and mysterious at the same time. It is constantly making you want to read on to the next page, and to the next chapter... eventually to the end. Also, it has an original plot and character. You feel connected to Ivy, as it is in the format of a diary entry, which makes you feel like you are friends with her. And she's funny.

I would definitely recommend this book to others. Especially ages 9-12, because I think everyone that age should read this book (and there's one sequel so far, another one's coming out spring this year). 

I think the cover is good, as it is blue, which draws the eye to it. I didn't actually buy this book, as one of my friends was reading it, and they let me borrow it. But I bought the sequel as soon as I finished it. That's how good it was. 

My favourite part was when Ivy 'cured' Lady Elizabeth Butterfield's headache, with a very weird remedy...

My favourite character was, of course, Ivy. Who wouldn't like her? Apart from pretty much every mistress she's served. Especially Countess Carbunkle, whom Ivy shoved in a bowl of fruit punch at a posh dinner party.

My least favourite character was either Matilda Butterfield or Lady Elizabeth. They were both equally horrible to pretty much everyone, especially Ivy. I don't know who was worse.

I would rate the book 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟, because I thoroughly enjoyed it through and through. I loved it, and you probably will too.

So that was my review of Anyone But Ivy Pocket by Caleb Krisp. I hope you enjoyed it, and also read the book yourself (comment if you get it down below)!
Anyone But Ivy Pocket

My version of the cover
