Tips on Doing A Book Review

In this post I am going to share with you some helpful tips and questions for a book review. They will help you come up with what to write, and get you going on your review. Let's go into my book review tips!

1. Deciding the book.

To decide on a book, always go for the one you finished most recently, as the story should be fresh in your mind.

2. What is the plot?

First, summarise the plot, so people get an idea of what the book is actually about.

3. Explain why you like/dislike the book.

After that, say why you like/dislike the book, or the author. Give at least two reasons.

4. Would you recommend the book to others?

Tell your readers whether you would recommend this book to others, and why. If you recommend it, then other people might read it too.

5. Did you like the cover? Did it draw you in?

Explain why you bought the book. Was it to do with the cover? Did you like the cover?

6. What was your favourite part?

Say what was your favourite part, and why. Explain it in detail.

7. Who was your favourite character?

Who was your favourite character in the story? Were they good, were they bad? Explain why they were your favourite character.

8. Who was your least favourite character?

Now do the opposite of the last question. Who was your least favourite character? Explain why.

9. What would you rate the book?

Finally, rate the book out of five stars, and tell your audience what ages you would recommend the book to.

So they were my review tips, and I hope they help you when you write reviews! See you soon on my blog! 📚😁
