Five Ideas For Your Book Blog

A book blog is a great way to communicate with others, and share what you love. You will also be helping other people find their favourite books. If you do set up a book blog, and are stuck on what to write about, in this post I am going to give you five ideas for your book blog, so you can get straight into making brilliant posts!

So let's just get into it!

1. Do a top ten books of the year so far.

This is a great way to help your readers discover more books. And, if they comment their favourite books, you will find some more books to read for yourself.

2. Host a reading challenge.

Challenge your readers to read an average sized book (about 300 pages), and see who will finish it first. At the end, for the winner, you could get a book-themed prize for them, as a reward.

3. Do an interview with another blogger.

An interview is a great way to get more people to your site, as the fans of the other person's site will visit yours, and your fans will visit their site. You could email another book blogger, and I'm sure they would like to do an interview.

4. Review your favourite book.

People would love to read your reviews, and if you really sell the book to them, it will also help out the author. Try and do less known books, and then the author will get their books sold, so win win.

5. Do a writing challenge.

On my blog, I have done two writing challenges so far. One is object description, and the other one is person description. These are a great way of sharing your writing with others through your blog. 

Those are my five ideas, and I hope you are inspired to create your own blog. If you do, link it down in the comments so I can look at it. Thank you for reading! 📚

